I got to meet and photograph this cute little toddler last weekend...his mom is an awesome interior designer in Southlake that I have photographed homes for, but this was the first time I photographed her family. Mom's gorgeous and her son inherited her looks obviously! He was so observant throughout the whole photo session it made me chuckle; very much observing and analyzing what was going on. It was wonderful that he was a very good sport about it all, I think he approved of it his portrait being taken. Grandma came with him and mom and got him to smile for me...but she informed me later that when they were in the car on the way home he was grinning from ear to ear...isn't that always the way? lol
I referred to him as a toddler above but he's actually only 7 months old, a baby really...already crawling, climbing and standing up...I suspect he will be walking by 9 months. I think he's got places to go and people to see and is ready to get on with it!
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