Miss L had her 3rd birthday last week so it was time to capture her in pictures around that big girl milestone. I put her in these rainboots for walks in puddles (of which we found none...) and poor little thing could hardly walk in them but she was a great sport about it...she'd take a step and go all wonky then keep on going!
I do keep a collection of accessories and props for children's portraits and little girls love to use them!
We did quite a few pictures with a hat on and she looked so cute in the hat! A few weeks before her session this little girl had done a little experimenting with her bangs (much to Mom's chagrin!) so we thought we might need the hat. But they really looked okay, could have been worse! I remember the things my sister did to poor Barbie's hair as a child...shudder! In the long run, it makes this child's portraits even more special. Her parents can show her these picture memories when she's older, and oooooh, think of the fun they can have teasing her with her self styled hairdo around the boyfriends!
Life happens so fast, you blink and your baby girl is grown.
She's a beautiful little girl and it was a beautiful day for pictures at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens....what more could a photographer ask for? ;)