As promised, here are the Shabby Chic images from this weekend's sessions. I had a blast! My customer's home was the absolute perfect backdrop for this - a beautiful 100 year old Victorian home. I'm posting just a sampling, there are tons more but these are some of my favorites. The little red head in the pink outfit by the bench....that one reminds me so much of the 1930's illustrator Bessie Pease Gutman (I've always loved her work). I can see I'm going to have to add many of these to my website.
The two brothers were adorable (as is their sister who I photographed last week), they started the day off on a fun note. I was lucky and had two adorable babies and I just love babies! Lots of sisters between the different families and we finished off the day with a cute 2 year old boy (I kept "stealing" his lollipop and that got some great smiles!).
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