Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Remember Your Smile {DFW Family Photographers}

I am still working on my new site but wanted to give a sneak peek at what it's all about. The name I Remember Your Smile is because that is how I best remember my husband...his big smile and the laugh that went with it. So I thought it appropriate to name it in honor of him...the site/blog will have memorial/remembrance photo jewelry and ornaments and the very popular stamped metal jewelry...some will be mass produced and others will be one of a kind. I am still in the R&D phase but its been a fun project to work on. I will also be offering photography services to create cd slideshows from and photo notecards. So, without further are some of the items I will be offering.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Girls just wanna have fun...and chocolate! {DFW childrens photographers}

I know you've been missing seeing her cute little face - admit it! So here is Gigi on Saturday. My brother was doing a video about love for his church and gave me a "shot list" he needed for the video. That was quite fun actually, having a list to work off of. Kind of like the shot list for a wedding I guess. Anyway, Gigi was to be "I love chocolate" and here she is. It was cool on Saturday so the candy bar wouldn't melt so we had to zap it a few seconds in the microwave. She thought her aunt was crazy when she was smearing all that goo on her face. But since she got to eat the candy she agreed to "work for chocolate"...she won't always be that cheap I'm sure.

My brother is using the picture of Gigi and her Pops walking off into the distance to demonstrate the point about telling people you love them NOW instead of waiting until they are gone. That was a bittersweet moment for me but so true. We had taken those photos about 3 weeks before my husband got sick and died so they are especially precious to me.